Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Near Christmas!

Today (Tuesday) was a slow day at the club. Kristi, Helene and I were there for most of the evening and then Karen finally arrived at about 10:00.

Kristi had a great night on the wheel - she was IN THE GROOVE and has several pieces to show for it, including a funky pitcher. We also did some more glazing and then loaded a glaze load into the kiln. Depending on schedules, it may get fired tomorrow morning and then be ready for unloading on Friday/Saturday. By then we will probably have another load ready to be fired, so if you have any items ready to be glazed, stop by and finish them up. Then we can finish off one more kiln load full before Christmas, and I guess if there is still another load full, we can probably do that too! That should get us all caught up so that we can fire more regularly in the new year.

Karen and Helene were talking about mixing up some new glazes (maybe tomorrow), if we have the needed ingredients.

So, you can see that things are really moving along. If you want to continue your classes and membership in the new year, make sure you add your name to class lists in 'the book' that is usually laying around on the counter.

Wednesday Update: the kiln ran today and should be cool enough to unload on Friday, so if there is something you want, drop by on the weekend. You may have to unload the kiln first! I think there is enough stuff to run the kiln again, so hopefully run through another load soon.

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