Tuesday, December 05, 2006


First Glaze Load!

Here is a picture of our first glaze load in the new kiln! Some 'interesting' variations on one of the new glazes, but I think we have it figured out now. Good thing we have such a smart teacher.

We loaded another glaze load tonight and fired up the kiln. Not sure how long it takes, but hopefully it works as good as the first one. When loading the kiln I realized that we had made quite a bit of large stuff this session - good work fellow potters. But it would be nice to have a few more small things to fill in those little spots in the kiln.

We also loaded another bisque load and Julie will turn it on tomorrow when the glaze load is finished. I think she said it runs for 14 hours, so it is possible that if you want to glaze things on Thursday evening, and load the kiln then we could have one more firing before the sale.

The Sale: meet at 9:00 AM on Saturday so that we can set up for the sale beginning at 10:00. All members are asked to bring some things to sell and some food to share. The sale runs from 10 till 2. See you then, if not before!

I forgot my password so I am signing in as Anonymous. Nice picture of the glaze load, its really too bad the floating blue didn't work out. It wouldn't be too bad if it was just black but it also bubbles, so DON'T USE. Oh well, as teacher says it's just clay, deal with it. We will see you all Saturday.
Bye the way the last message was from Karen
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