Tuesday, November 07, 2006


November 7

Another week is here. Another bisque load has been unloaded - some neat looking stuff! Hopefully we get the kiln working soon as we have lots of things to glaze.

I've been impressed with creativity of the handbuilt things that people have been doing. I didn't used to like handbuilding (well, truthfully I never really did it and just thought I didn't like it!), but lately have been quite enjoying it. It is a nice change of pace from the work on the wheel.

This week in the mail I received a flyer from Red Deer College about a "Pottery Tour of England and Wales" that they are running this spring/summer (June 17-July 1). Any takers??? The cost (not including airfare) is $5175! Have a look at their website for more information - the link is to the left and look under "continuing education" then "general programming" then "study tours" or copy and paste this link: http://www.rdc.ab.ca/continuingeducation/study_tours/pottery_tour.html

I added some new links to the left of sites of potters or studios visited on the study tour. Enjoy!

If you are able to view this blog, please leave a comment so I know I am not just writing to myself :)

See you next week!

Thanks for sending the link...you all know how scatterbrained I can be and I just kept forgetting to write down the addy...I meant to check it out...honest! This is a pretty neat idea...what else can we post on here...pictures, glaze recipes?

I really like the idea that we have been having weekly projects its kind of cool to see the different things that show up when we are all assigned the same item to make, ie mugs. I am just one week behind I guess since I have not made my big bowl yet...maybe I will sneak in on the weekend. I also have to get making some things because I don't think I have much for the sale...so I guess I better get potting!

Since Gayle signed as Ms Monsma...I am going to be Ms Smith...beat that for anonymity!
Wow - someone else can access the blog! I was starting to wonder as Karen and Julie were not able to find it.

The "Ms Monsma" thing is because my first blog is for school and that's my name there and I couldn't figure out how to change it.
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