Tuesday, November 21, 2006


November 21

Time for another posting!

Kiln progress: Karen got her helpful husband to replace the plug-in part of the cord (I'm sure it has a more technical name!), and Kristi carried in a bunch of other official looking bits and pieces. So, I think we must be getting close!

Lots of pieces are ready for bisquing, ready for glazing and ready for final firing. It will be exciting to try some of our new glazes in our new kiln.

Remember that our sale is going to be on December 9 and it would be great if everyone had a few (or a lot of) pieces to put in. The potter and club split the profits 50/50. Feel free to use any of the recycled clay (for free) for sale pieces. Bowls and cups are always good sellers.

If you're interested, I received an invitation to the "High Level Potters and Friends Pottery Sale" on December 2 from 10:00 till 4:00 at the Strathcona Community League (10139-87 Ave). I went last year and there was come interesting stuff - 4 potters, 1 painter and other assorted 'artsy-fartsies.' Also, the Edmonton Potter's Guild is holding their annual sale on November 25 from 10:00-3:00 at the downtown library. Be there early if you want to see or buy the good stuff! Free entry, but bring a Food Bank donation.

Keep playing in the mud.

I think that we are even closer to the big kiln firing. Gerald offered to hook up the ventilation stuff on Wed night, (I didn't even have to ask him in bed) so it just needs to be positioned in place and Julie can do a test fire. How exciting.
We do have much to do before the big sale. I'm usually concerned that we won't have anything to sell, but then Julie walks in with her loot and success. I think that the students work has improved so much this past year, so I'm excited to see the results for the sale.
Well I'm off the LPC this morning so maybe I'll see some of you there.
Thanks to Gayle for the detailed instructions on how to get ioto this blog. I guess you can call me a blogger now. Name MS Boss. I think Kristi will like that one.
The first Glaze load was fired up on Wed and may be unloaded by now. I'm going to the club today to get some sale stuff made,and see how our first load went. Maybe I'll see a few of you there.
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